Sunday, October 20, 2013

Phantom Shadow is Done!

Without further ado, or Scooby doo, I present the Phantom Shadow. Now give me a Scooby Snack! I am so happy to finally get this done. The cam system has been very reliable, and the highlighter ink does a great job providing a yellowish green UV glow. I will probably add a chain, and touch up the green, but for the most part it is done and ready to display. Enjoy!

The following video shows it in action.


  1. This is awesome, man. I know what my next project is now. Remember, imitation is the most sincere form of flattery. ;)

  2. Johnny-
    That guy is awesome!! I want, nay need, these!

  3. (and I also got the coolest captcha: "666")

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. You have cams for the eyes and mouth, but I don't see any movement (and I'm not finding fault -- this is pure awesomeness). Did you abandon movement for them, or am I just not seeing it in the video?
